
Making Investing Simple and Profitable


Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Next Big Cryptocurrency? Ember Coin (EMB) %400 increase today?!

UPDATE!!: https://www.embercoin.io/trader-warning-yobit -- TRADING WARNING FROM EMBER COIN, TO NOT TRADE IT ON YOBIT -- Check out the update Ember just posted friends ill try to keep posted on what happens next but i would advise selling it if you got in before it corrects.

One coin that has caught my attention today and didn't take much research to know that this could be another runner up among other cryptos! Check the video out, let me know what you guys think!?

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Crypto Side Hustle

Unless you've been living under a rock it would be hard to not notice all the news on Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, etc. The whole world is talking about cryptocurrencies, I remember just last year how i was just discovering bitcoin, wondering what it is, how does it work. Since then as you can see in my previous post I was also discovering "mining". Theres so much to learn about this whole new thing, I can assure you I stayed very interested and invested in bitcoin and cloud mining risking only what i could afford to lose, which wasn't much..seriously. One thing I've learned and that I like more than the profits I have accumulated since then is the big idea behind the whole concept of cryptocurrencies, decentralized with no government making more of it, helping people have the options to invest in something more easy. 

If you've followed the media you will see on how "Bitcoin is used for drug money and buying illegal items, and such and such......" So, you mean before bitcoin this wasn't happening? no cash exchanges, bank deposit? The main reason banks and top financial politicians are all worked up about it is because they got blindsided by it so they resort to being sore losers. I know some have the best intentions to protect people from loosing money and thats good, there should be some regulation on it but maybe just on exchanges, because there are scams out there left and right! When investing in any crypto currency, do research on it, don't go in it with emotion, study it and learn what it is, whats its purpose is, and learn to read charts. The one thing I ask for anyone ready this is to make sure to keep your money safe, you work hard for it, so now let it work for you but again, research, research, research! Thats my rant for today and I will posting more later! leave me comments on questions you may have on cryptocurrencies you may have, by all means I'm no expert but I love helping people make money, thats right help YOU make money not me. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Genesis Mining offers you a smart and easy way to invest your money. Our solution is suitable for those who are new to the world of crypto currencies, as well as for cryptocurrency experts and large-scale investors. Genesis Mining is the World's first large scale multi-algorithm cloud mining service offering an alternative to those who would like to engage in Bitcoin and altcoin mining.
We are a team of experts in the digital currency sector, and our core service is to provide the most efficient and reliable mining rigs for rent.

The benefits of mining with us

We have many reasons to think that no other mining service or home built mining rig can top our offer. Here is the list of the advantages of choosing us.


Until August 2014 we were specializing on mining Bitcoin in a special, unique and smart way. We were (and still are) mining the most profitable portfolio of altcoins, which we then exchange to Bitcoin upon need. This way instead of mining in the overcrowded Bitcoin market, we are specializing on mining Altcoins, which we then exchange to Bitcoins. This way we can go around the problem that the difficulty of mining is rising at an incredible pace.
However, due to the increasing demand on our clients' side, we decided to enable the direct mining of Bitcoin. In August 2014 we became the World's first large scale multi-algorithm cloud mining service!


No matter which package you choose, you are renting the latest technology, which guarantees profitability for as long as possible. Also, the rigs you rent consume very cheap electricity and are cooled efficiently, thanks to the optimal locations of our farms. To top this, there is no waiting for delivery and no downtime, which means you are not wasting even a second of mining.
Time is valuable, but it is more valuable on the Bitcoin market! See more at the Pricing section.

Try Genesis Mining Today!

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